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Let Imagination take flight

"If we suspect that a man is lying, we should pretend to believe him; for then he becomes bold and assured, lies more vigorously, and is unmasked." Arthur Schopenhauer

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Keeping up to date with the news

Keeping up to date with the news is fairly important, as it allows us to know what’s currently happening around the world. In this blog post, I will stress the importance of keeping up to date with the news and tips as to how we can do that. This might appear to be boorishly boring to you, but in a way, it can also be fun if you cooperate. To start off, I will be elaborating on the importance of keeping up to date with the news. Firstly, when you are reading news sources, you get to inevitably improve your reading skills as well as learn new words. You might think that is insignificant, but you never know whether it can be useful to you. Secondly, by keeping up to date with the news, you know what is happening and thus, know what to do in case a crisis occurs. Other than that, the news warns us about disasters and how to avoid them, etc. If you were to miss them out, I believe you will be the unlucky one. Furthermore, with the recent H1N1 flu about, it is important that we read the newspaper regularly, in case there might be a new development such as a vaccine.
Next, I will be sharing with you on ways that we can keep up to date with the news. Although there are numerous ways to doing so, I will be sharing with you three main sources which are most widely used. The first one that I will be writing on is Newspaper. Newspapers contain information locally as well as global news. They are very important as they are constantly updated with information that we should know. Furthermore, we can easily get them, at the usual coffee shop, 7- Eleven stores, etc. Even better, they are delivered to us every morning for us to read.
Next, I will be talking on the television broadcast. This is an extremely relaxing way of absorbing news and information. While sitting on the sofa and sipping soda, you get to absorb information in a leisure way. However, the time is limited and thus, only a certain bit of information can be broadcasted.
Lastly, the source I will be elaborating on is what you are using now! The internet! The internet is the most widely used application in the world, be it in work, school or other areas. It contains information that can be easily accessed, unlike newspaper or Television broadcast. Furthermore, information is constantly updated and reliable. Now, with all these sources of information that can be easily accessed, we can read obtain information with just a click or two!


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