Everyone is unique?

Doesn’t the heading remind you of something everyone always say? When you feel down or upset, you’ll almost immediately hear someone say, “Don’t worry. Everyone is unique, and hence, you’ll succeed next time.” But, for now, let’s sit back and think about it. If everyone is unique, that’s more of suggesting that no one’s unique! For example, when your teacher tells you to highlight a whole paragraph of details, won’t you wonder why we should highlight when everything is so important to us? Of course, if the phrase is seen from another point of view, it can mean a completely different thing. When this phrase is taken literally, it has a more reasonable meaning. For example, if boy A specializes in math, and boy B specializes in science, we can say that both of them are unique in their own ways. But the question remains, is everyone really unique? There are many aspects in life for us to excel in, but it’s inevitable that someone else is as good, or if not better than us. What do you think?
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