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Let Imagination take flight

"If we suspect that a man is lying, we should pretend to believe him; for then he becomes bold and assured, lies more vigorously, and is unmasked." Arthur Schopenhauer

Monday, June 15, 2009

The most serious accident I ever experienced

Everyone has their most horrible day, accident and illness, etc. As for me, I had a serious accident which almost caused me to drown. It occurred ages ago, when I was around 4. My family and I went to Genting on a holiday and like any other kid, I was extremely excited. Immediately after we reached, I demanded to visit the hotel’s swimming pool, as I wanted to try out my diving skills which I learnt (They’re just some basic stuff). Much to my pleasure, my dad brought me and my sister down, after I changed to my swim suit. Before long, we arrived and I was told to wade around in the baby pool, which wasn’t really deep. However, my dad had to go back up to take something that I needed. It might not seem much, but that meant I could sneak into the adult pool and dive away! I left my sister as she was and leapt into the pool. To my surprise, it wasn’t really deep and thus I ventured further by kicking against the water. That was when disaster struck. As I went up for a fresh intake of air, I found myself to be unable to stand up, as my legs were unable to reach the floor. Gasping for air, I forced myself to swim to the corner, which was probably a step away. There, I tried to grip onto the drainage thing. However, I was unsuccessful. Everything I tried, I was “pulled down” once again. By then, I was almost suffocating and decided to make a final try. That was when a strong hand pulled me out of the water, as I gasped for air. Later on, I then realized that the floor of the pool go lower by the distance.
That’s my most serious accident. What’s yours?


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