Home Learning

Home learning allows us to learn at our own pace, which is fairly important. For example, in schools, students who are weak at a certain subject tend to learn slower than other students as they do not have sufficient time to absorb the information taught by teachers. As a result, they score badly for their exams. However, Home Learning will be able to prevent such cases from occurring. As information is accessible at all times, students can revise on the topic as long as they want. As a result, they will be able to catch up with the students who are generally better at the subject. Other than that, Home Learning does not require one to carry heavy school bags, as everything is done online. For example, when learning in school, students are to pack their bag according to the topics taught. Hence, they might need to bring in books which will cause their bag to be a whole lot heavier. Furthermore, Students do not have to wake up so early in order to attend school. Hence, one can get ample rest before they start studying and thus, improve their concentration. One very important thing to note is that, Home Learning does not require physical contact. As a result, Diseases are not easily transmitted from one to another. This is vital, especially in times like this when people get ill easily.
On the contrary, Home Learning might not be as good as learning in school and has it own share of faults. When learning in school, queries posted by the students will be answered immediately. As a result, students will not have doubts and hence, have more confidence when doing tests. However, home learning does not allow “ Live “ Support from the teacher. Questions posted would have to wait for a few hours before being answered. Also, when doing Home Learning, students tend to be distracted by games and other things, just to name a few. Thus, they will open another browser and play games, instead of studying. On the other hand, learning in school does not allow that at all.
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