Let Imagination take flight

"If we suspect that a man is lying, we should pretend to believe him; for then he becomes bold and assured, lies more vigorously, and is unmasked." Arthur Schopenhauer

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Blog prompt

Dear Sir,
I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to the syllabus of the history subject that you are reviewing. I believe, as you do well know, that there is a distinctive similarity between the primary school and secondary school syllabus. The similarity, without doubt, is that we are still studying the topic of Singapore history, just that for secondary schools, it is more integrated and complex.
With this said, I don’t mean that studying Singapore history is bad and unadvisable. In my opinion, I feel the Ministry of education should actually just try to put the whole of Singapore history in our primary school years. For example, we could start with something easy, such as the founding of Singapore for primary one and two. After that, we will start with the more important parts of Singapore history and allow students to have a short debate once a week during Primary 3 and 4. Lastly, during primary 5 and 6, the MOE should allow us to start on more complex things and explain to us the rest of Singapore history by Primary 5 and 6.
To ensure the system work out, we could perhaps extend school hours by an hour or above, at the same time increasing the amount of history lessons. Also, we could have a 10 minutes interval between history lessons to allow the students to relax and let loose.
After that, in our later years, the MOE can probably allow us to study the history of ancient countries such as Greece or Egypt. I would like to stress that this system is, in my opinion, extremely efficient as in secondary schools, we have a lot more topics as compared to primary school. By using this system, we can reduce the stress we experience as well as know more about the history of other countries and as such, increase our general knowledge.
Your truly,
Lim Jing Yu

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Blog prompt

To all the audiences out there,
My group, commonly known as Mystic, has invented an all rounded device, one that is sure to get rid of all the troubles faced by students nowadays. The device comes in a package, and it comprises of 4 main touch screen whiteboard, a headphone and 4 G-Pens. All the whiteboards will have built in speakers so as to ensure that the teacher’s voice get programmed outwards to everyone in class. The 4 touch screen white board will be built on the four walls of the class. In case you are wondering, the headphone is worn by the teacher, and everything she says will be transmitted to the speakers and be amplified. Other than that, the touch screen white board is sensitive to both fingers and the G-Pens and is made through the latest technology and proven to be both tough and long lasting. Furthermore, everything the teacher writes on the board will be recorded and sent to the other 3 white boards. This information can be referred to after school and thus, students need not be distracted in class copying notes. On the other hand, students can also pose questions to the teacher by writing on the board nearest to them.
Please do show your support by purchasing them.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

blog prompt

Dear ladies and gentlemen,
Thank you for attending this speech. It’s my honour to be standing here, giving all of you a talk on behalf of the other older workers. Basically, I will now list the advantages of hiring us in point form.

  1. Firstly, we have experience, unlike the younger generations who have just started work. Imagine your company being put in hands of those who do not have experience. Your company, very possibly, with soon collapse without supervision from us.

  2. Secondly, our salaries are lower than the younger generations. Hence, your company can then save more money or perhaps even hire more people.

  3. We are more hard working and helpful. For example, when we see someone in need, we will certainly help out, as much as we can. Also, you do not rest frequently and finishes our work on time. Other than that, we do not grumble or complain about tedious work as our level of endurance is much higher.

In my opinion, the advantages of hiring us are much higher as compared to hiring the younger generations. Of course, this doesn’t mean that hiring the younger generation is bad. Although we are older than them, we still have much more things to learn from them. In conclusion, a merge of older generation and younger generation would be the best. Thank you for listening to my speech.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


A picture of the Earth plates there. By the way, plates are actually slabs of rock that float on the mantle which is the layer under the crust. The earth structure goes like this - The inner core is the one that's in the middle of the earth and it's flaming hot( around 4,500 degrees). It's 2,500km wide and consists of mainly iron and nickel. the metal doesn't melt due to the pressure exerted on it. Surrounding it is the outer core, a great sea of liquid metal and again, it consists of nickel and iron. Followed next is the mantle , the layer below the crust( plates) and it's around 2,000 degrees, so hot that some stones melt to form magma. Imagine yourself getting engulf by the magma>.<> I am going to post a post about science tomorrow. So please do look forward to it

Mayan numeral system


Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Alright, it's about time i created a new post , after much persuasion from my class mates. Basically, the topic i will be writing about is my new school and stuff . Let's start off with a bit about myself. I am 13, studying in Hwa Chong Institution and in class 1P2. My form teacher is Mrs Priyah Ray, a caring but fierce( a bit) teacher who teaches us English. As for my friends, i got lots of new ones such as lionell and mickey, etc. Oh yes, just today, i met a few of my old friends from NJC. They look fine to me , i suppose. Anyway, my favourite subject is Maths, which i find easiest to understand. I love science as well, though not as much as math. We have also got a few assignments such as my literature project-lamb to slaughter. It's mainly bout a storyboard and stuff. My drawings are bad, but i tried my best>.< For science, we would have to research on the scientists fabricating data and sew a bag( i think it's called tools bag or something) to store our test tubes. As for my EP3( CCA) , I, personally, would like to join the library club although it's a bit "slack".
That's about all. Happy New Year to you guys!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Hi everyone

Hi, and welcome to my blog