Let Imagination take flight

"If we suspect that a man is lying, we should pretend to believe him; for then he becomes bold and assured, lies more vigorously, and is unmasked." Arthur Schopenhauer

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Blog prompt

To all the audiences out there,
Today, I would like to make a very important speech, namely, a solution to traffic jams during peak hours. Through this speech, I will highlight and bring to your attention two main points, which are the solution and how it will benefit us. Basically, the solution is to increase the traffic charges during peak hours, in order to avoid traffic congestion. This way, traffic will move more smoothly and time will be saved. Now, I will elaborate on how this solutions works.
During peak hours, when the traffic will be congested, the traffic charges will increase. This will discourage others from taking that road and instead, some will take another route home. This way, the amount of cars on the same road will be significantly reduced and thus, prevent traffic jams.
Thank you

Blog prompt

Age and experience has been proven to be one of the most important factors to the workforce in any country or industry, be it engineering, mining or trading. Experience comes from the mistakes we had undergone, such that we do not repeat them again. It plays an important role in our daily lives. For example, in order to supervise others, one would have to be experienced in that area and thus, ensure that mistakes will not occur, at least, those that can be prevented. Another example would be Singapore itself. In the year 1942 till 1945, Japanese invaded Singapore, conquering us. However, at that time, the British, instead of focusing their attention to protecting us, they seemed more concerned with their own safety. From this, we have since learnt not to leave the safety of our own nation to others. Now, I will elaborate on age. Age is crucial to us, in attaining jobs, or earning money. However, bear in mind that age does not come along with experience, perhaps more wrinkles, yes but certainly not wisdom or experience. Thus, instead of being old, being young has its advantages. For example, a salesperson would have to be charming in order to attract more customers. Furthermore, as one goes older, his movements are much slower and restricted, unlike the younger people.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Philip Malloy's ending

Philip Malloy, undaunted by his past, soon forgets about the unfortunate incident. Once again, now brimming with confidence, he amazes his new school, Washington academy, with his superb sportsmanship and running. As a result, in order to fully foster Philip’s talent, the Washington academy soon created a track team meant for this purpose. Philip then represented his school for numerous competitions, each time attaining the best result possible. Thus, he soon rises to fame and his name was known all over the world. But alas, all seemed too good for him, until a nosey reporter decides to investigate his past. Unfortunately, the case regarding Miss Narwin came to light and after a more research into that case, it was revealed that Philip, at that time, was indeed lying. The news soon spread across the nation like bush fire, changing others opinion of Philip. Philip was depressed over this matter and decided to atone for his crimes by making a public apology which goes like this:“ I, Philip Malloy, has always been wrong about my teacher, Miss Narwin and hence, through this speech, I would like to repent by apologizing to her and clear her name. I have also done much harm to the reputation of my previous high school and would like to say that my action, humming the national anthem, was in fact, to annoy Miss Narwin, rather than being patriotic. For that, I am sincerely apologetic and hope I can be forgived.